A Little Somethin’ “Something”

As today marks the 50th Anniversary  (Aug 8th 1969) of The Beatles most controversial and most imitated photo shoot and album cover! We thought we’d celebrate it by sharing a very rare, unreleased mix of George Harrison’s gorgeous, “Something” (recorded at and featured on Abbey Road)

Although late in the group’s  incredible career, “Something” was George’s first A-Side single with the band!

Here’s a fresh take of George’s beautiful ballad:

(recently remixed by George Martin’s son Giles!)



Tell the truth! We know, if you’ve been lucky enough to visit Abbey Road, you and three friends took a selfie as you walked in  formation across the most famous “Cross Walk” in the world!….WE DID!


  1. I believe there had been MORE talk, discussions, theories, speculations and conspiracies offered up and postulated about this album cover than any of their album covers! Perhaps “Sargent Pepper” is right up their too! Somewhere I saw a bunch of other photos from this shoot; Paul’s shoes on the curb, other bystanders strolling around, John’s white suit and some alternate camera angles. I even watched a short conversation with “THE GUY” who also appears in the shot across the street. The story behind the shot actually seems fairly prosaic compared to all the various meanings posited about the shot. I remember “Paul is dead” which accounts for the “bare feet” symbolism AND of course the Paul in the pix WAS A STAND IN!!!???
    AND YES…George’s recording of ‘SOMETHING” will live on forever! It’s perhaps the song that has STAYED in my mind since the first time my 8 Track offered this awsome Beatle album up to me!!!
    ….peace and Love with George, the wood

    • Hey Fred, I totally agree! However if you ask Russ, he credits Ringo!
      “Oh darling” I love it when we’re both right!

    • Hey Fred,
      Yes! That is Mr. Starr on drums! Nobody…NOBODY can drum a ballad
      like Ringo!

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