Good Morning! And YES, it’s time for an all new SMS Trivia Question for Tuesday October first! Brought to us each week by all the Groovey people at Omnivore Recordings! Your perfect location for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know! But first, before we reveal this week’s all new question, we ‘d like to recognize, for the second week in a row, the only reader to correctly answer last week’s quiz, which was all about two legendary Rolling Stones, Mick Taylor and Ron Wood! Big SMS congrats go out to , once again to our old friend, colleague, and charter member SMS Super Genius, Mr Jeffery Conroy! Congrats yet again Mr. C.
But now, here’s your brand new question for October first: Take a good look at the list below featuring ten of our favorites from the 60’s and beyond!
1) “A little bit me, A little bit you”
2) “Brother Loves Traveling Salvation Show”
i3) “Girl You’ll Be A Woman Soon”
4) “I’m A Believer”
5) “Kentucky Woman”
6) “Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head”
7) “Red Red Wine”
8) “Sunday And Me”
9) “The Grass Won’t Pay No Mind”
10) “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers”
There’s our list! Ten of our faves, that all share one very important element, except one! That’s right! One of the songs on the list does not include this important element and should not be included on the list! We need you to tell us which title should not be included, and the reason why?
In Summary, here’s what we need:
1) Among the 10 songs listed above, one song doesn’t belong on the list, we need you to tell us which one shouldn’t be included on the list ?
2) We also need you to tell us why ?
3) Additionally, we need you to give us a title of your own choosing that could be included in our list ?
4) Lastly, to instantly qualify for SMS Super Genius status, give us the names of the artist’s who originally recorded and released these ten gems ?
Meanwhile, as your having a think on todays quiz, why not take a moment, click on the link below and browse Omnivore’s awesome catalog of the coolest music in the known world and beyond!
Remember, you can answer the weekly Trivia Question as often vas you like, but can only win a groovey Omnivore CD every 30 days…
Raindrops keep falling on my head.
Written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David
Neil Diamond wrote and sang the other songs
I am, I said
Hit version of raindrops was released by BJ Thomas
Great llist of songs!
Steve got em all this week.
Sweet Caroline
Raindrops should not be on that list
Not written by Neil Diamond
I Am I Said
Thats a stumper for me.