Yes indeed! it’s Trivia Tuesday for Feb. 19th and you’ve probably already guessed that this weeks question is about The Dave Clark Five and The Beatles! And! Once more, this weeks question is brought to all of us by the Fab folks at Omnivore Recordings. The coolest place in the universe, offering only the tastiest music on this planet or any other!
However, before we get to this weeks question, we’d like to recognize the two brilliant readers who got last week’s question right! The question was: What do The Tijuana Brass, Barbara Streisand and The Beatles have in common? The answer is, all three artists recorded the song “A Taste Of Honey” Gigantic SMS congratulations go out to Fred Vogel, first in with the answer! Making Fred this week’s recipient of a very cool Omnivore Recordings CD! Way to Go Fred! Additionally Steven Winogradsky weighed in as a close second, he gets a few extra “Kudos” from us for identifying the writers of the song! Way to go Steve,once again proving there is no limit to your “Triviality’s”
But Now, it’s time for this week’s question: What classic Lennon and McCartney composition shares the exact same title as one of The Dave Clark Fiv’e’s many hits and, furthermore, what Beatles album features this great title?
”Th-Th-Th-That’s All Folks” Remember first one in wins a cool CD. From Omnivore Recordings! Just below you’ll find a link to Omnivore’s home page, we recommend you browse thru all their great stuff, while your “figgering” out this week’s question!
And remember, you can answer the weekly Trivia Quiz as many times as you like, but, can only win a CD once every two weeks!
ABBY ROAD’S “Because” brings me to the budding years of my MYSTICAL HIPPY YEARS. “BECAUSE” is one of my favorite songs to play even now! It really is quite Lennonish! Love it! And the D.C.5 song “BECAUSE” brings me back to H.S. and ALL THAT BRIT INVASION energy. What a great time!! Paulette and I have been singing D.C.5’s “BECAUSE” all afternoon because it is another GREAT TUNE we forgot…shame on us!!
Peace and Love….wood
Abbey Road