When Ike Told Tina Turner To ‘Hit It’
The Music Business is rich with great stories! One of our favorites is about Ike Turner and his new girlfriend, protegee, meal ticket, future wife and Love Slave. Anna Mae Bullock. Mrs. Tina Turner! As […]
The Music Business is rich with great stories! One of our favorites is about Ike Turner and his new girlfriend, protegee, meal ticket, future wife and Love Slave. Anna Mae Bullock. Mrs. Tina Turner! As […]
es, it was on this day August 25, 1963! that Stevie Wonder captured the music world and dominated it ever since! 54 years ago today his single “Fingertips part two” achieved the number one position […]
Didja know that it was on this day August 12, 1964 (Yep, 53 years ago) United Artists released “The Beatles in their first, full length, Hilarious, Action Packed Film!”….. (that’s exactly how “The one sheet” […]
As a regular reader of Sixties Music Secret’s you’re probably aware that many of our posts are inspired after hearing a rare piece of music from the 60’s, which is the inspiration behind this post. […]
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