The SMS Trivia Question of the Week 10/13

Yes! It’s Trivia Tuesday for October 13th! Brought yo us by all the Groovey people at Omnivore Recordings! Your only real option for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know! However, before we get to this weeks question, we’d like to recognize “ All the Groovey People who showed up for last week’s question, which was: An Anagram and a whole bunch more “Nod my son nod” actually unscrambles to become Donny Osmond! Yep, cute little Donny and all his teeth!

First in with all the answers about Donny and his family was our little sista Mz. Julie Shoemaker! Way to go Julie Shoe! Julie was followed closely by Mr. Simon Craddock! And then along came Mr. Curtis Stone! With his usual Encyclopedic knowledge! Big thanx to you two gents and congrats to Julie, a groovey Omnivore C D is on the way!


But now! It’s time for this week’s new trivia Quiz:  This weeks quiz is all about names, Nom de Plumes, pen names or PKA’s.  We’re going to give you five””Stage Names” or “Nom de plumes” and you tell us who they really are and give us the title to at least one song where their Nom de plume is credited…Ya got that?

Here are your five Nom de plumes or “Pen names”…

1) Dr. Winston O Boogie

2) Apolo C. Vermouth

3) L’Angelo Mysterioso

4 ) Caesar and Cleo

5) The Glimmer Twins

In summary, here’s what we need

1) Give us the real names of the five”Stage Names” listed above?

2) Give us the title to at least one song  for each of the 5 names where they are credited with writing, producing or performing!. So, your  list should include at least 5 different songs. And you can ad more if you feel like showing off!

Meanwhile, as your working on this weeks question, why not click on the link below and browse thru Omnivore Recordings Cool Catalog and pick up something to add to your collection!



Remember you can play the trivia question as often as you like but can only win a cool Omnivore CD every 30 days!…


  1. John Lennon / pail mccartney / eric clapton / sonny and cher / jagger and richards of the rolling stones.
    JL – Elton John Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds PM – Bonzo Dog Do Dah Band – I’m the Urban Spaceman EC -Ed Sheeran – Dive S&C – The Letter J&G It’s only Dock n Roll.

    • Hey Simon!
      Great job, except when it comes to Ed Sheeran. I can’t even explain it, but here’s the bottom line L’Angelo Mysterioso was originally coined by George Hattison ( for contractical reasons who used that name when he worked on “the song Badge”with Eric Clapton for “Cream’s final record!
      I think Ed got his history a little mixed up If the real L’Angelo showed up he truly would be a “Rock God”
      Are you with me?

  2. 1. John Lennnon/Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Elton John)
    2. Paul McCartney/I’m The Urban Spaceman (The Bonzo Dog Band)
    3. George Harrison/ Badge (Cream)
    4. Sonny and Cher/Love Is Strange
    5. Jagger & Richard/Satisfaction

    • Hey Steve,
      The first and only one (so far) with all the right answers…”As you’re known to do!
      Thanx Steve

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