The SMS Trivia Question of the Week 12 / 10…

Happy Holidays Trivialites! Time for an all new Trivia question for Tuesday, December 10th! Brought to us each week by those joyful folks at Omnivore Recordings! Your place for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know! However, before we raise the curtain on this week’s quiz, we’d like to take a. Moment to recognize the brilliant readers who weighed in on last week’s quiz, which was all about James Darren  and his early 60’s hit”Goodbye Cruel World”  First in but a little shy on all the correct answers was our old friend and colleague from across the sea Mr. Larry in Munich! But a mere three seconds later, the very Trivial Mr. Andrew Taylor sshowedup with all the right stuff! Congratulations Mr. Taylor! and for you Mr. Larry, t here’s a brand new opportunity for you to show your stuff with a brand new question just below!

Yes! Here’s your brand new Triva Quiz for TuesdayDecember 10th!

let’s begin by asking you to tell us who wrote the song “Everybody’s Talkin” ? We’d also like you to tell us who wrote the song “”Without You by Mariah Carey? !Additionally, we need you to tell us who wrote the song “One” by Three Dog Night” ? We also need you to tell us who wrote the song  “Cuddley Toy”  bye The Monkees” ? Moving along, please tell us who wrote he song “The Puppy Song” buy Mary Hopkin ? Finally,  The songwriter were looking for wrote and produced an animated feature film for the ABC television network in 1971, give us the title of this film and which 60’s Super Star voiced the lead character ?

In summary, here’s what we need:

1) Who wrote then song  “Everybody’s Talkin” by Harry Nilsson

2) Who wrote the song “Without You” by Mariah Carey ?

3) Who wrote the song “One” by Three Dog Night ?

4) Who wrote the song “Cuddley Toy by The Monkees ?

5) Who wrote the song “The Puppy Song” by Mary Hopkin ?

4) The songwriter we’re focusing on wrote and produced an animated feature film for Tele vision in 1971, tell us the title to this animated classic, as well as the name of the 60’s Superstar who voiced the lead character ?

Meanwhile, as you  struggle to disect and digest this week’s question, wgy not click on the link below and browse Omnivore’s awesome catalog of the gtooviest music in the known world and beyond

Remember, you can answer the weekly Trivia Question as often as you like but can only win a Groovey Omnivore C D every 30 days!



  1. Well done Andrew!

    Rick likes it when we share stories…So,
    Harry was a friend of mine. He was absolutely one of a kind.
    Bruce Gary (Drummer for The Knack) introduced us. We used to hang out at his ‘office’ at the Hotel Bel Air a lot. They went so far to accomodate him, they installed a phone (analog with a cord..old school) in the corner booth in the bar.
    His other hang was his beautiful home in the canyon.
    I miss those guys, but only have great memories. Lots of stories and laughing!!

  2. Hi there,

    #1: Fred Neil

    #2: Pete Ham Tom Evans

    #3: Harry Nilsson

    #4: Tommy Boyce

    #5: Harry Nilsson

    #4: The Title is “The Point” Alan Thicke voiced the lead character ?

    Thank you.

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