The Xmas season is in full swing, with only 14 days left to complete all your shopping! So, before your credit cards spontaneously combust, take a time out with Trivia Tuesday for Dec. 10th. Brought to us by the very cool folks at Omnivore Recordings! Your number one Xmas destination for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know!
But Now! We’d like to recognize the brilliant readers who weighed in on last week’s question which was: We asked about the song that included the lyric. “the Beatles new record is a gas” The correct answer is “Ball of Confusion” by The Temptations! First in with the correct basic answer Mr. Jim Gorman! Yeah Jimmy! But then weighing in just one minute later than Jim was Owen! Great job Owen, we think you named everyTemptation member who ever lent their voice to this classic Motown act! Lastly Ron Wood just chimed in with some thought provoking commentary! As always, Thanx Woody!
But Now! It’s time for this weeks new Trivia Quiz: According to the lyric from this powerful Top Ten Classic from 1965: “The thing’s like the Boomerang” Give us the title of the song that features that lyrical line? The very cool artist that performed the song? Lastly give us the title to at least two more great records from this incredible performer? Finally, you can attain Sixties Music Super Genius if you can give us The absolute, full and complete title to this great song!
In summary, here’s what we need
1) The title to the song that features this brief lyric (With Super genius status if you get it 100% completely correct!
2) The name of the artist?
3) Give us at least two more hits from this classic 60’s artist?
As always before you break into a cold sweat, click on the link we provided to Omnivore Recordings HomePage and let your fingers do your Xmas Shopping!
Remember, you can answer the weekly Trivia question as often as you like, but can only win a Groovey Omnivore CD every 30 days…
Looks like it’s from Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag (Part 1) by James Brown. Some others by James –
It’s a Man’s, Man’s, Man’s World; Prisoner of Love; Please, Please, Please