The SMS Trivia Question of the Week. 12 / 17…

Happy Holidays f rom everyone up here in the palatial offices and studio’s of SIXTIES MUSIC SECRETS! And yes, it’s time for an all new SMS Trivia Quiz for Tuesday December 17th! Brought to us each week by all the Merry folks at Omnivore Recordings! Your most excellent destination for only the grooviest. Music you didn’t know, you didn’t know!  But  Now! Before we reveal this week’s all new question, we’d like to recognize. all the brilliant readers who chimed in on last week’s question, which was all about the truly awesome Harry Nilsson and. His music! However in an unusual twist, last week no one correctly answered our question!Andrew Taylor was first to show up but didn’t quite nail the answer! Mr. Jeff Conroy came by with another great Sixties story, but no correct answers! We also heard from long time reader and Charter member Super Genius Mr. Fred Vogel! But he was short on answers  as well! Thanx for dropping in fella’s, but here comes your chance to redeem yourselves with a brand new question! Back in the years of the coolest decade in history, two 60’s Superstars had their lives taken prematurely when they were murdered in Cold Blood,  both shot  down from a point blank pistol wound! We need you to tell us who these two extremely talented 60’s Singer / Songwriter’s were? As well as who killed each of these legendary Artists and what city did these two fatal crimes occur? Lastly, we need you to give us the titles to at least three hits from each of these legendary Superstars ?    

In summary, here’s what we need:

1) Give us the names of the two 60’s Superstars who were gunned down in cold blood ?

2)  Tell us who each shooter was ?

3) Tell us  which major city  these two murders occurred in ?

4) Give us the titles to at least three hits from each of these legendary Singer / Songwriters?

Here is a SMS Helpful hint:

One of them was killed by his own father! The other was shot by a local motel manager!

Meanwhile, as you mull over your best possible answer’s so you can take your best “Shot” At the question, why not take a minute, click on the link below and browse Omnivore’s  awesome catalog of the coolest music in the known world and beyond!


Remember, you can answer the weekly Trivia Quiz as often as you like, but can only win a Groovey Omnivore CD every 30 days!…


  1. Hi there,

    #1: The 2 music stars were Marvin Gaye and Sam Cooke.

    #2: Marvin Gaye was killed by Marvin Gaye Senior.

    Bertha Franklin killed Sam Cooke.

    #3: Marvin Gaye was killed in Detroit.

    Sam Cooke was killed in the Hacienda Hotel in los Angeles.

    #4: Marvin Gaye: let`s Get It on, Mercy, Mercy, Me, What`s Going 0n.

    Sam Cooke: You Send Me, Twistin` The Night Away, Having A Party.

    Thank you.

  2. Marvin Gaye and Sam Cooke
    Marvin Gaye’s dad Bertha Franklin (motel manager)
    Both died in Los Angeles
    MG) What’s going on, Let’s get it on, How sweet it is (to be loved by you)
    SC) Cupid, You send me, Wonderful World

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