‘Tis the season for Trivia Tuesday, December 8th. Brought to us each week by the festive folks at Omnivore Recordings! Your one true option for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know, AND MORE!…But, before we get to this weeks question, we’d like to acknowledge the brilliant readers who chimed in on last weeks question, which was: The truth is, last week we re-ran a question from earlier this year about an Anagram! “Heckling Perturbed Men” unscrambles to become Engelbert Humperdink! We indeed heard from many of our regular readers with some interesting “Side Bars”However! Once again we must give our old friend and SMS Super Genius Larry in Munich! a tip of the ole SMS Hat for a most curious, alternative and remarkably researched, funny and fascinating answer! Great Job Larry, and only one other reader, a new comer who goes by Keno showed up with the right answer! Way to go Keno and a warm welcome to the SMS trivia quiz! A very cool Omnivore CD is on it’s way to both of you!
But now! It’s time for the new SMS Trivia Question of the week: This week your question is a lyrical one! Here are two lines of lyric a) “Someone found a lighted house late one night, and he saw through the window a sight“…. And here’s lyric b) “Well way up north where the air gets cold, there’s a tale about Christmas that you’ve all been told” There you have your two lines of lyric, we need to know the titles of the two songs they appear in, as well as the name of the artist’s who wrote and recorded these two seasonal classics?
And.. to attain SMS Super Genius status, give us one more “Seasonal Title” WRITTEN and released by this awesome artist?
In summary, here’s what we need:
1) What classic 60’s song includes the lyric: “Someone found a lighted house late one night, and he saw through the window a sight” ?
I2) What other classic 60’s song includes the lyric: “Well way up north where the air gets cold, there’s a tale about Christmas that you’ve all been told” ?
3) Who is the artist who wrote and recorded these two classics ?
4) Lastly, for “Super Genius status, give us the title of one more original Seasonal song WRITTEN and recorded by this artist ?
Finally, while your making your list and checking it twice, why not click on the Omnivore Recordings home link just below and browse the Merriest catalog in the known world and beyond!
Remember, you can answer the weekly Trivia Quiz as often as you like, but can only win a Groovey Omnivore Recording every 30 days!…
little saint nick
the man with all the toys
Brian Wilson
santas beard
Hey John,
Great to see you here once again and of course you nailed the question! Additionally you’re the only reader to list “Santa’s Beard” A truly under appreciated Beach Boys classic that we LOVE!
Thanx John,
The Man with All the Toys
Little Saint Nick
The one and only Brian Wilson, Beach Boys recorded it.
Christmas Day
Hey Mr. C.
Always great to see you here and you nailed the question Natch!
1. “The Man With All The Toys”
2. “Little St. Nick”
3. Brian Wilson (The Beach Boys)
4. ???
Hey Fred!
Really? The legendary “Freeking Fast Freddie doesn’t have an answer for the fourth question? First sign of the apocalypse or sumthin like that!
“Merry Xmas Baby”
wow, … slow on the draw for me today… I’m with Steve
Hey Mr. Edmund
No problem, I’ve already takin the liberty to ask Santa Clause to bring you a new alarm clock for Xmas! You’ll never miss another SMS Quiz question!
Ho Ho Ho
1) The Man With All The Toys
2) Little Saint Nick
3) Brian Wilson with the Beach Boys
4) Merry Christmas, Baby
Hey Owen!
Great job, you nailed it! But, Steve Winogradsky beat you to the first position by less than two minutes!
He obviously has a faster Sleigh!, or sumthin
1. The Nam With All The Toys
2. Little St. Nick
3. Beach Boys/Brian Wilson
4. Merry Christmas Baby
1. The Man With All The Toys (sorry for the typo)
Hey Steve,
No problem, we knew what you meant and there is something funny about “The Nam with all the Toy’s”
Not to mention the fact that you we’re first in with all the right answers! Well done old chum!
What??? On December 8, where’s the John Lennon trivia???? R.I.P.
Hey Owen,
In a word, No, we tend to leave those anniversaries be! But thank you for drawing our attention to John and Amen to your “RIP”