The SMS Trivia Question of the Week 3/2

“Sho nuff” it is Trivia Tuesday for March 2nd! Brought to us by all the Groovey people at Omnivore Recordings! Your only place for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know! But! Before we get to this weeks question, we want to recognize all the Groovey  readers who weighed in on last weeks question, which was : All about the incredible lead guitarist for Led Zeppelin and so much more! The very talented Jimmy Page! First in with all the right answers and more was the now legendary Mr. Fast Fred Vogel Yes! You’ve done it again Fred, Congratulations! Next up was our old friend Mr. Jeff Conroy, who occasionally goes by the moniker “Mr Resourceful “ simply because he is! Way to go Mr. “R.” Wrapping things up last week was a very long time SMS Super Genius was the always awesome Mr. John Zambetti! One more, once more John! Congrats!…

But now, it’s time for the new SMS Trivia Quiz of the week: This weeks quiz is all abut one of the few songs from the 60’s whose full title is an Acronym! Here’s the title: “SWLABR” Yeah, you know it, you heard it a million times in 1967 and you likely tried to “Sound it out” even more!  Here’s what we need, who recorded it, what album does it originally appear on AND! What does “SWLABR” stand for?

In summary, here’s what we need:

1) What does the Acronym “”SWLABR” stand for ?

2) Who recorded this 60’s classic ?

3) What classic 60’s album did it originally appear on ?

4) For extra credit and to achieve SMS Super Genius status, What are the names of the two writers who wrote this FM radio staple In 1967 ?

Meanwhile as your trying to make sense of those 6 little letters, click on the link below and browse thru Omnivore Recordings catalog of the coolest music in the known world and beyond!



Remember, you can play the weekly Trivia Quiz as often as you like, but can only win a Groovey Omnivore cd every 30 days…



  1. Hey “Shoe”, thanks for reminding me that I SHOULD finally “solve” a ~53 years long question I never tried to get to the bottom of: “what the heck does/did SWLABR mean”?? First time I saw it was – of course – on CREAM’S 1967 album “Disreali Gears”. And I also admit that part of the album’s title “DISRAELI” made me think for several early years that they were making some sort of ref. to Benjamin
    Disraeli. What was I thinking anyway?!
    Great album and SWLABR is a great song written by Jack Bruce…and …had to look at my album to credit Peter Brown.
    OH… and SWLABR”…I found out it might mean “She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow”…or…”Walked”..I guess we get into some intreging folk lire here!?
    But this is an enlightening trip!….wood

  2. Good morning!
    She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow
    Jack Bruce and Pete Brown
    Disraeli Gears

    And how many folks got to work with Jack and Eric on projects…besides me?

    • Hey Jeffrey,
      Good Morning right back atcha! How is it we worked together all those years and we never talked about this……WOW! AND to answer your question, I believe “Nobody but you baby!
      Now ya gotta give up some details and don’t be shy!

  3. Good morning!
    She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow
    Jack Bruce and Pete Brown
    Disraeli Gears

    And how many folks got to work with Jack and Eric on projects…besides me?

  4. Cream, Disraeli Gears, but I knew what it stood for and can’t remember now. GREAT CREAM SONG!!!!

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