Yep! It’s the new SMS Trivia Quiz for Tuesday March 30th! Brought to us each week by all the Groovey people at Omnivore Recordings! Your number one stop for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know! But, before we get into this weeks question, we’d like to recognize all the. Loyal and brilliant readers who weighed in on last week’s question, which was: A lyrical question! We asked all about the complex and clever lyrics to The Associations’ debut smash “Along Comes Mary” from 1966! Coming in first with all the right answers was a looong time SMS Super Genius Mr. Steve Winogradsky! Way to go Steve, it’s great to see you back at SMS! Following Steve was our old friend and long time SMS Super Genius Mr. Ed Simmons! Great to see you back on board Mr. Ed! Next up, our old colleague and SMS Super Genius Mr. Jeff Conroy! Way to go Mr. “C” Wrapping it all up last week was a relatively new SMS regular, Mr. Tom Slocum! Way to go Tom! Don’t be a stranger!
But now! It’s time for this weeks all new Trivia Quiz: This weeks question will be an Anagram and a wee bit more! And we gotta be honest, we went a little easy on you this week! But, easy or not, here we go: Here’s your Anagram… “Deep Zen Pill”…..Easy Peasey right? Next, what are the names of the four original founding members of the band, what instrument did each play and lastly, give us the name of the English Blues Rock band that our Anagram evolved from?
in summary, here’s what we need:
1) Who does our Anagram “Deep Zen Pill” unscramble to become?
2) What are the names of the four original members and which instrument did each member play?
3) What 60’s English Blues Rock band did “Deep Zen Pill” evolve from?
While you’re thumbing through your old copies of Crawdaddy Magazine, take a minute and click on the link to Omnivore Recordings HomePage just below and browse the most awesome collection of music in the known world and beyond!
Remember you can answer the weekly Trivia question as often as you like, but can only win a Groovey Omnivore CD every 30 days!
Hey there, I am no music genius, Super or any other kind – can regular people play? Love Deep Zen Pill for Led Zeppelin but thank goodness there is spell check on this because even with the letters provided in the anagram I couldn’t spell zeppelin. I could name Robert Plant and Jimmy Page but would have to go to Wikipedia for the rest…. Would that be cheating?
This site is stupendous, wonderful, amazing, marvelous – the synonyms for fantastic are endless….
Hey Doranne!
I can’t begin to tell you how great it is to see you here at SMS! And of course you get big props for correctly answering this weeks core question,. Well done! And to answer your questions YES! Of course “Regular people” can play! Even irregular so to speak people can play! As far as Wikipedia is concerned, the truth is we rely heavily on the honor system here at SMS, So, that’s your call. We try to construct questions that are Wikipedia proof But what we really care about is seeing you and all our other loyal readers show up each week and share and stimulate some interesting commentary!
Welcome aboard Doranney, and please don’t be a stranger!
Led Zepplin
Jimmy Page – guitar
John Bonham – drums
Robert Plant – Vocals
John Paul Jones – Bass
The Yardbirds
Who designs these trivia questions that aren’t so trivial?
Libbie Jo
Hey Libbie Jo
Thanx for dropping by, I write and create all the weekly trivia questions! By my count I’ve come up with just a little less than 300 original Trivia Questions!
Thanx LJS…
1. Led Zeppelin
2. Robert Plant and drawing total blank. WHY? I have all those records.
Hey Clark,
Yeah, why? I’d blame it on mask wearing! You are wearing a mask aren’t you?
Well there’s always next Tuesday!
Thanx Clark,
Good morning,
Led Zeppelin
Jimmy Page Guitar/ Producer
Robert Plant Vox
John Paul Jones Bass and everything that has ever had strings
The one and only…John Bonham
The Yardbirds
Hey Jeffery,
First in with all the correct answers and details! No surprise here!
Congratulations and WELL DONE! Hope to see you next Tuesday!
Mr. Shoe