Yes it is! Trivia Tuesday for March 9th! Brought to us each Tuesday Morning by “All The Groovey People” at Omnivore Recordings! Your destination for all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know! But now! Before we get to this weeks question, we’d like to acknowledge the very cool readers who weighed in on last week’s question, which was: All about Cream and their 60’s classic “S W L A B R” ( For the record, it stands for “She was like a bearded Rainbow”….
First in with all the right answers was our old friend and long time SMS “Super Genius” the ever brilliant Mr. Edmund Clark Simmons! Way to rock it Mr. Ed! Next in was our brilliant former Colleague Mr. Jeffery Conroy! Way to go Jeff and frankly I would have been embarrassed for you if you hadn’t got it right! Just sayin’ and WELL DONE! Last up and doing his usual brilliant clean up was our old friend and “Double Super Genius”Mr. Ron(no, I’m not in The Rolling Stones) Wood! Finally an honorable mention goes out to Mr. Clark Besch simply for showin up and givin it Hell, without really knowing the correct answer! Congrats and WELL DONE to all four of you distinguished and Trivial gentleman with a Groovey Omnivore CD on it’s way to Mr. Edmund Clark Simmons!
But now! It’s time for today’s brand new SMS trivia quiz of the week: During the 60’s “Spoken Word” records were all the rage for a brief moment! “Spoken Word” records were mostly performed by local and regional Disc Jockey’s many of them included some righteous high moral statement, but all of them were just simply ridiculous! Among these awful records was one performed by a man who was nicknamed “America’s Oldest Living Teenager” Today we’d like to know the name of “America’s Oldest Living Teenager” and what was the title of his “Spoken Word” record ? Next, give us the titles to at least two more “Spoken Word” records and the names of the performers who recorded them ? Lastly, to achieve “Super Genius status, what is “America’s Oldest Living Teenager’s full legal name ? (Not his stage name)
In summary, here’s what we need:
1). What is the full, legal name of “America”s Oldest Living Teenager ?
2). What is the title of his “Spoken Word” record from Nov. 1967 ?
3) Give us the titles to at least 2 more “Spoken Word” records from the 60’s, including the names of the performers who recorded them ?
Meanwhile, as you search thru the records you labeled “Worst records of all time” Give yourself a break and click on the link below and Browse thru Omnivores “Greatest records of all time”….You’re Welcome!
And remember, you can “Show your stuff” with the weekly Trivia Quiz as often as you like, but can only win a Groovey Omnivore CD every 30 days!…
Earlier this week you wrote a piece on Barry Sadler’s “Ballad of the Gren Berets”; another clasdic from the 6p’s and for ehatever resson that bolg opened a long hidden memory of a recording (which may tie into this weeks Trivia Question and that revordind I am real sure was spoken word over a music track and may even be a real late ’50’s recording titled ( I think?) “Deck of Cards” which as I recall is a religious/faith piece about war and a soldier’s peace he finfs by using a DECK OF CARDS which substitutes for a bible with each biblerepresenting a bible character. But this DISTANT MEMORY!!!
Any way our world’s “Oldest Teenager” is Dick Clark and he did answer the “anti-sinful rock folks” with his spoken words over a music track as an “Open Letter to an Older Generation.”
I do know that thru my own experiences inside the old hipster/hippy coffee clubs that we heard many “Poet/Cool Cat Beat” guys sittin on a stool and waxing eloquent about are times thru poems and speach usually with a Bongo player or Violynist or fluetest etc groovin’ in the back ground.
I can think of one often recorded poet cool/cat (Early Rapper) named FERLINGHETTI who was maki g appearances at some fairly concert events. I actully got to hear him at the L.A. Forum where he apoeared during the great “LAST WALTZ” concert of “The Band” and of course all the other extreme heavy weight group of
the BEST music artists of that time and now.
…..see you soon…wood
1 Well, it USED to be Dick Clark. 2. Spoken word to a teenage father or some such. I have the 45. 3. An Open Letter to my Teenage Son by Victor Lundberg, Gallant Men Senator Dirkson.
Hey Clark,
It’s a little early in the trivia quiz life, But I will add that Dick Clark is his stage name, not “his full legal name” Keep Thinking my friend!