The SMS Trivia Question Of The Week! 6 / 18

Yes, it’s Trivia Tuesday for June 18th. Brought to us each week by the Fab Folks at Omnivore Recordings!  Your number one destination for the coolest music on the planet and the only place to find All the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know!

Meanwhile, before we get to this week’s question, we’d like to recognize the absolutely brilliant readers who all correctly answered last week’s question which was:  We listed four 60’s Superstars who used the word“Brother”  in their name,  i.e. The Walker Bros and The Isley Bros! We wanted to know which were actually Brothers and the titles to two of their hits?  Here are the Fab Five loyal readers who got it right!  Faster than a speeding bullet Super Steve Winogradsky, Followed dangerously close by  Fast Fred Vogel, followed by Crash Curtis Stone, then Righteous Ron Wood! But, this week it’s Mark L. Chapman who is last week’s winner and recipient of a very cool Omnivore Recordings CD!  Congratulations Mr. C !

But Now! It’s time for this week’s question: We’re all familiar with the band  Their classic Logo /  Trademark has been featured on nearly every one of their album cover’s since the 1960’s!  However did you know that this great Trademark was created by another 1960’s Superstar  who started a graphic design business as  his record sales started to fade!  So, here’s what we need

1) The name of this talented 60’s  artist who designed CHICAGO’S classic Logo / Trademark?

2)  The name of the classic 60’s act he was a part of?

3) The titles to at least two of his huge hits?

4) The name of his graphic design company?

5) The name of one other artist, where he designed THEIR album cover as well?

And here’s an SMS fun fact: did you know that the Chicago Logo was deliberately designed to resemble the logo for “Coca Cola”?…Check it out, can you see it?    Meanwhile, as you consider this week’s question, check out Omnivore recordings Homepage, that’s their link just below!


Remember you can answer the Trivia Question as often as you like,but can only win a Groovey Omnivore CD every two weeks!


  1. I have since learned that Dean mused on his concept of creating his very own Graphics Business in part while spending time at the “Sunset Grill”. Dean completed a college thesis on the history of flight and was very motivated by the Wright Brothers efforts, vision and uncompromising work they put into their dream of manned flight! Dean wanted to go boldly and also take the big step and go forward with the “Launch” of his company. Inspired by the success of the Wright Brothers he declared the “launching” of “KITTYHAWK” – his very own graphics group dedicated to the idea of MUSCIANS actually being intimately involved with the creation of their very own “Graphic” interpretive presentation of their OWN MUSICAL INOVATIONS!!
    ….the wood

    • Hey Ron,
      Thanx for breaking it down for us and yes he and Kittyhawk graphics are responsible for great covers for Nilsson, The Beach Boys and Barbara Streisand just to name a few!
      Thanx Woody!

  2. “You REALLY GOT NOW” [a little homage to the KINKS!!!] Well I pulled out my only two “Chicago “albums: “CTA # and “Chicago – recorded at Carnage Hall” #4. and discovered the artwork /logo/design on #1 was attributed to Nick Fasciano. And here is where I hit a big ol’ WALL! Nick did not make music as far I know [esp. 60’s] So I had to discover your trick because the answer should be 60’s inclusive in some way. So I found John Berg. He IS a musician but did appear to be 60’s rock per se’. So I HAD TO CHEAT and do some research and I found another name who also appears to get some credit for the “CHACIGO/COCA COLA connection. AH HA!! enter Dean Torrence aka “Jan & Dean! And we have “Little /Deuce Coupe and “Dead Man’s Curve, [very prescient!!]. Dean did a lot of albums for the “Turtles and “Harry Nilsson”.
    But WHY is Dean’s name NOT in the graphics credits on the “CTA’ ALBUM?
    EPILOG: I cannot thus far find any info about just when or where or how Nick, John and Dean ever intersected?
    GREAT question you posed here, but I had to rely on a bunch of research….Love….the wood

    • Hey Fred, Frankly, we’re quite surprised YOU didn’t know! But really appreciate your honesty and that you didn’t run to Wikipedia for an answer!
      But, “Does anybody really know what time it is?”

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