The SMS Trivia Question Of the Week 8/27

TRIVIA TUESDAY! For August 27th. Brought to us every Tuesday morning by our “Good Buddies” over at Omnivore Recordings! The only place on earth that always has all the music you didn’t know, you didn’t know, AND MORE! However, before we get to this week’s most interesting question, it’s time to recognize the brilliant readers who showed up for last week’s question, which was : We ask’’d, If you were having a lunch of “A four of fish and a Finger Pie” where were you?…..Of course you know you’d be lunching on “Penny Lane”….Showing up with all the right answers was  The very lovely Julie Ismert First In and FABULOUS! Congrats Jules, A Very Groovey  Omnivore CD is on it’s way even as we read!  Followed closely by Freakin’ Fast Freddie Vogel (have you ever missed a question Fred?) Next In was “Our favorite lead guitarist” Jammin’ Jimmy McDearmon  Always great to see you James! And lastly but never leastly, our favorite “Rock Star Namesake” Mr. Ron Wood! BIG SMS CONGRATS AND THANX to the Lady and Gents, one and all!

But Now! It’s time for this week’s Trivia Quiz: According to the singer of this unique record from the 60’s:    “Me Shirts them a tear up, my trousers are gone,  I  don’t want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde”

Sooooo, Tell us the title of the song this unusual lyric comes from? The name of the artist who wrote and recorded this great record? And for some SMS Extra Credit, tells us where the artist is from?

Lastly, Of all the great records from the ‘60’s this Record has thee most frequently misunderstood lyrics!…. YOU’RE WELCOME!

In Summary, we need

1) The correct title to  the song?

2)The full and correct name of the artist?

3) Where the artist is from?

As always, below we’ve included a link to Omnivore Recordings Homepage, Give it a Click and pick up some very cool music!


Remember, you can answer the weekly Trivia Quiz as often as you like, but can only win a Groovey Omnivore CD every two weeks!


  1. Fred beat me to it, i saw his answer by mistake..what he said sounds that record!

    • Hey Mark,
      YEP! That’s why we call him “Fast Freddie”
      Hoerver, to quote Woody Allen….”Showing Up is half the game in life”
      Thanx for showing up Mr. C

    • Hey Steve,
      Yep you got it! Didja know the song had different titles in different country’s, but basically it was known as “Israelites”, “The Israelites and “Me Israelites”
      Thank you “Suh”

    • Hey Jimmy,
      Of course you got it! And I love that subtle Jamaican flavor “Mon”
      Thanx my old friend!

    • Hey Jonathan,
      Yessir, you nailed AND you missed being the first one in by 12 measles minutes!
      More importantly, it’s great to see you here at SMS AND a new Trivia Question is only 48 hours away!…

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