Don’t know about you, but…. We blinked and WHAM! It’s mid-May! AND what’s more, it’s TRIVIA TUESDAY for May 15th
But first, Big SMS congratulations go out to the one and only SMS reader who correctly answered last weeks question, which was; Match 7 “Teen Idols” with their 7 debut hits?…..The lovely Julie and only the lovely Julie weighed in early and correctly!…..She also shared a family secret, she revealed that her even lovelier mother had a crush on James Arness….but that’s another story……Way to go Jules, and thanx for sharing. BUT NOW, It’s time for this weeks question; According to this huge hit from 1963, the band lyrically reveals that “She’s bored, relieved, stroked and ported”….Who is She? And, who is the band?
Yeah, this question is “No day at the beach”…..?
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My first thought here was BEATLES OF COURSE and the song:”She’s Leaving Home”…..but nooooo! As I read the snippet of lyric I could kinda “hear” that tune??
But anyway It became clear when I pondered the word “PORTED” I TOOK AUTO SHOP IN JUS AND THAT MEANT: ENLARGING THE CYLINDER DIA. AND IT HIT ME “LITTLE DUCE COUP” the beach boys.
NOW I have vivid memories of all the HOT “SOUPED-UP” CARS in the H.S. parking lot!!! WOW those really were the days!!!
Today EVERY CAR LOOKS THE SAME!!! Our car is red and looks just like all red cars!!!ha ha ha
Love all you guys…the wood
p.s. to Julie is the story true that your mom and my mom named both of THEIR RON’S after Ronald Coleman??? I think yes???
She’s the “Little Deuce Coupe” by The Beach Boys. Written by Brian Wilson and LA top 40 DJ Roger Christian, who also co-wrote “Dead Man’s Curve” for that other LA surf group, Jan and Dean.
YES…Mr. “Dub Ya”
You are so right AND in addition to the songs you mentioned, Roger Christian also co-wrote “Don’t Worry Baby” for The Beach Boys, as well as “The Little Old Lady From Pasadena”, “Ride The Wild Surf” “Honolulu Lu Lu” and “Sidewalk Surfin” for Jan and Dean!
Plus he was our favorite DJ on KFWB channel 98 here in L.A. in the 60’s
Thanx for always bringing a little something extra whenever you post on SMS!